个人信息Personal Information* 选择身份/Status:{{ statusOptions[dataForm.status].value }}* 真实姓名/Real Name:* 证件类型/ID Type:{{ idTypeOptions[dataForm.idType].value }}* 证件号/ID Number:* 国家/Country:{{ countryOptions[dataForm.country].value }}* 居住城市/Live City:{{ dataForm.liveCity[0] }}{{ dataForm.liveCity[1] }}{{ dataForm.liveCity[2] }}* 性别/Gender:{{ genderOptions[dataForm.gender].value }}邮箱/Email Address:* 公司/Company:* 职位/Position:根据疫情防控政策,请填写真实信息,以确保届时顺利核验入场。According to the epidemic prevention and control requirements, please fill in the true and effective information to ensure a successful entrance.外籍人士需满足完成14+7隔离期,需提供48小时核酸检测报告。Foreigners are required to complete the 14+7 quarantine period and a 48 hour nucleic acid test report shall be provided.14天离沪返沪来沪人员需提供48小时内核酸。People returning from Shanghai within 14 days shall provide nucleic acid test report within 48 hours.途径中高风险地区人员禁止入场。People in high-risk areas of the route are not allowed to enter.提交/Submit